07 October, 2011

It is necessary for white-skinned people to accept vitamin D

People with the light skin, badly transferring the sun, suffer deficiency of vitamin D and should accept it in the medicinal form.

The group of researchers financed by the British Fund of cancer researches, has found out, what even in the conditions of surplus of a sunlight such people not in a condition to develop optimum quantity of vitamin D.
Besides, at white-skinned it is considerable above risk to be ill with a skin cancer.
For this reason in the unique way of overcoming of deficiency of vitamin D physicians name its acceptance in the medicinal form or in the form of food additives.

Authors of research have made the conclusions on the basis of supervision over 1200 patients. From them 730 have appeared with the lowered level of vitamin D, and many of them had a pale skin with freckles.
Doctors already now recommend to people to accept with deficiency of vitamin D it in the medicinal form. Often shortage of this vitamin is observed at persons with a dark skin, natives of Africa and Southern Asia, and also older persons, children, pregnant women and feeding mothers, and also people, for whatever reasons, not transferring the sun.
Judging by conclusions of researchers, now to them it is necessary to add simply white-skinned.
Food additives
Vitamin D is necessary for an organism for maintenance of a normal state of teeth and bones.
It is considered that the maintenance of vitamin D below 25 nmol/l in blood is deficiency, but experts are inclined to think that already below level of 60 nmol/l the organism lacks some this vitamin and is endangered.
The most part of people develops enough vitamin D, thanks to short stay under the sun (it is considered that is enough 10-15 minutes in day). A Small amount of this vitamin arrives with such foodstuff as fish and dairy products.
Researchers from Lidsky university led by the professor Julia Newton-Bishop have assumed that at many patients the vitamin lack is connected with a way of life: some simply are afraid to receive a solar burn and the sun avoid.
However some white-skinned people are deprived ability to develop normal quantities of vitamin D irrespective of level of a solar irradiation.
"Such people should search for the compromise between danger of overdose of sunlight and deficiency of vitamin", – the employee of the British Fund of cancer researches of Hejzel Nann considers.
As she said, for the present early to publish concrete recommendations about food additives, however the majority of people can accept to 10 mg of vitamin D a day in the form of tablets without any collateral consequences.

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