16 October, 2011

Doctors: to drink juice of more than three glasses in day harmfully

To drink more than three glasses of juice in day – it is hazardous to health. In particular, it threatens with development of a cancer of intestines. To such conclusion researchers from University of Western Australia have come, — transfers Biusness and Health.

Scientists are in constant search of factors which do our organism vulnerable for a cancer. 1000 healthy people and 918 patients for whom diagnosed oncology of a thick gut have taken part in new research. From researchers the diet of volunteers which studied throughout two years has undergone to the most steadfast attention.

It was found out that juice not so is useful, as was considered earlier. And it is a question not only of factory juice in which add every possible preservatives, but also about freshly.
According to scientists the matter is that in the course of machining of fruit and vegetables a number of useful substances is lost. So, in juice is not present fiber which fibres serve as "whisk" for intestines, vitamins and antioxidants partially collapse. Besides a considerable quantity of sugars can just promote formation of malignant tumours.
As preventive maintenance of oncology GKT, doctors recommend to eat vegetables and fruit of not less than five times in day. The most useful in this respect recognised apples, yellow vegetables and fruit, cabbage (a broccoli, colour, Bruxelles).

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