23 October, 2011

Clothes for additional charge of gadgets

It is probable, difficult to find now the person at whom in a pocket the mobile phone or a mp3-player would not lie. And quite often we face that the same mobile phone can be discharged at the most inappropriate moment. An exit from this situation have found in company Silvr Lining which inventors have thought up special clothes with solar batteries.

As it is supposed that the given device will use the greatest popularity at fans of country walks and sorties on the nature, also assortment of offered clothes soovetstvujushchy: some models of jackets and cargo trousers.
Distinctive elements of these clothes are vshitye in lateral and forward pockets small 5-tivoltovye the accumulators using solar energy. Thus the device which is necessary for recharging it is possible to attach lithium-polymeric of the battery which is in a pocket to the back panel.
Besides apgrejdenoj outer clothing which on the average will manage to you from 920 to 1260$, in the company the accumulator ($175) or the amplifier to it (75$) suggest to buy separately.

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