23 October, 2011

The candle flame has given a surprise: diamonds

Somebody from readers sometime reflected, of what the candle flame consists? And here scientists from university Sent-Endrju led by professor Utszun Chzhou this question it is live has interested. And to the surprise they have found out in a candle flame nanochastitsy diamonds, — researchers in the article published in magazine Chemical Communications share.
The idea for new research to professor Chzhou was thrown by its acquaintance who is engaged in burning processes: he has somehow declared that anybody plainly does not know, what structure has a candle flame. As they say, nature abhors a vacuum, and Utszun undertook to answer this question.
To define that there is in a flame, scientists used anodno-oksidirovannye aluminium films on which have collected burning products.
It was found out that at a candle flame is present at once four updatings of carbon: fullereny, graphite, amorphous particles and nanochastitsy diamonds. The last as it was found out, formed more than one and a half millions a second. However, in the end all of them burn down to a condition of carbonic gas.
It is interesting that for all specified above updatings, different modes are required.
As to practical application of opening scientists are assured that further they will manage to develop non-polluting technology of reception of germs from which it will be possible to grow up high-grade diamonds.

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