12 November, 2011

The most unusual gejmpad and a masseur for a back in combination

The most unusual gejmpad and a masseur for a back in combination

Who, having come back home after tiresome day on work, will refuse pleasant weakening massage? Especially, if in a role of the masseur of favourite "significant other" tries. But often happens that the darling «one second» in an emphasis refuses to understand hints, having buried in the TV and having steeped in the virtual world of video-games. To take offence? No! After all it is possible to receive desired massage, without tearing off the partner from the console. It is enough to get an interactive waistcoat with invocatory name Massage Me.

The masseur for a back will not distract the partner from the console

Waistcoat Massage Me is, perhaps, most cheerful masseur for a back. Inventors have guessed to combine things absolutely incompatible - a session of weakening procedure and video-game, having transformed "a back" part of potential buyers in... gejmpad. Everything that is necessary for high-grade use of a waistcoat - pair of positively adjusted people, the console and a disk with grasping "streljalkoj" or "browser".

Pleasant massage and video-games? Easily!

One participant of massazhno-game action ("masseur") includes the console, and the second ("massazhiruemyj") puts on a waistcoat and takes seat before it. The main thing not to forget to disconnect beforehand from a prefix the joystick, and instead of it to connect Massage Me: on a masseur for a back and so there are all buttons necessary for game. So safely press on the partner and do not worry for safety of its bones: the dense waistcoat will soften even the most rough touches, and "empty" energy from pressing of keys will turn to intensive massage. Than more cheerfully and more actively game — that it is more effective. Only, chur not to be thrown by "joystick" in case of loss. 

Gay Mersky masseur for back Massage Me

All electronic stuffing of a masseur is on a back, directly under elastic buttons of management. As key pressing is at first transformed to easy massage vibration, and only after that — in a signal for the console during game the easy effect "pritormazhivanija" is possible. But developers promised to reduce it to a minimum which will not spoil mood to any gamer. The masseur and gejmpad was in combination developed for a back specially under Sony Playstation. But owners «not son» as can test all pleasures of game massage with Massage Me.

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