09 October, 2011

Scientists have convicted plants of ability to be reserved by water

In the Center on environment studying have come to a surprising conclusion: plants hold in soil near to the roots a small water-supply, — is informed in the publication of researchers in magazine New Phytologist.

As it is known to any schoolboy from a course of biology, a plant receive minerals and water from soil. In exchange they allocate nutrients which in turn support ability to live of microorganisms and mushrooms. The mutually advantageous symbiotic exchange is thus formed.

New researches of German scientists have shown that roots of plants conceal in themselves many riddles. Earlier was considered what "tighten" a moisture from soil to plant roots can thanks to a concentration gradient when the moisture moves from a zone with more concentration to a zone from the smaller. That is, it agree with this theory, near moisture roots should be least.
By means of a neutron tomography it was possible to learn that just the roots always have a certain water-supply. How it occurs, scientists still up to the end for themselves have not cleared, though have put forward a hypothesis.
Probably, water containing layer is kept thanks to organic connections which are allocated in soil with a plant. Similar gel the weight is capable to reserve approximately in 10 times more own volume. On the other hand, this water will suffice a plant only per day, so what sense in this process, besides, not up to the end clearly.

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