The death comes in different shapes, but, anyhow, it usually an oxygen acute shortage in a brain. Whether people as a result of heart attack, drowning or an asthma die, finally, the reason of it is an oxygen acute shortage in a brain. If the stream of recently oxidised blood to a head is stopped through any mechanism, the person approximately in 10 seconds faint. The death will come in some minutes. How – depends on circumstances.
1. Drowning
How quickly people will sink, is defined by several factors, including ability to float and water temperature. In Great Britain where water of constantly cold, 55 percent of cases drowning in open reservoirs occurs within 3 metres from coast. Two thirds of victims — good swimmers. But the person can get into difficulties for seconds, Mike Tipton, the physiologist and the expert from University of Portsmouth of England speaks.
As a rule, when the victim understands that will soon disappear under water, the panic and floundering on a surface begins. Struggling for possibility to breathe, they cannot call to the aid. This stage lasts from 20 till 60 seconds.
When victim finally plunge, they do not inhale as much as possible long, usually from 30 till 90 seconds. After that there is a breath of a quantity of water, the person coughs and inhales it is more. Water in lungs blocks a gas exchange in fine fabrics, there is a sudden involuntary reduction of muscles of a throat – a reflex named laryngism. There is a feeling tearing and burning in a breast as water passes on respiratory ways. Then there comes the feeling of calmness testifying to the beginning of loss of consciousness from a lack of oxygen which, finally, will lead to cardiac arrest and death of a brain.
2. Heart attack The Hollywood heart attack — a sudden heartache and immediate falling, of course, happens in several cases. But the typical heart attack of a myocardium develops slowly, and begins with moderate discomfort.
The most general sign — a chest pain which can be long or arises and disappear. So cardiac muscle struggle for life and her death from oxygen deprivation is shown. The pain can give to a jaw, a throat, a back, a stomach and hands. Other signs: a short wind, a nausea and cold sweat.
The majority of victims do not hasten to address for the help, expecting on the average from 2 till 6 o'clock. With women it is more difficult, as they will more often test signs of type of the short wind giving to a jaw a pain or a nausea, and do not react to them. Delay can cost lives. The majority of the people dying of heart attacks, simply have not reached to hospital. Often actual cause of death — warm arrhythmia.
Approximately in ten seconds after a stop of a cardiac muscle the person faints, and one minute later it is dead. In hospitals with the help defibrillator force heart to fight, do clearing of an artery and enter preparations that restores to life.
3. A deadly bleedingAs soon there will come death from a bleeding, depends on a wound, John Kortbik at University of Calgary in Albert, Canada speaks. People can be lost from blood loss for some seconds if the aorta is broken off. It is the main blood vessel conducting from heart. Serious falling or a road accident happen the reasons.
The death can come in some hours if other artery or a vein is damaged. In that case the person would pass some stages. On the average the adult has 5 litres of blood. Loss of one and a half litres causes feeling of weakness, thirst and anxiety and a short wind, and two — dizziness, confusion, the person runs into an unconsciousness.
4. Death from fire The hot smoke and fire scorch eyebrows and hair and burn down a throat and respiratory ways, depriving of possibility to breathe. Burns cause a severe pain through excitation of nerves of a pain in a skin.
When the burn area accrues, sensitivity decreases a little, but not completely. Burns of the third degree do not damage so much, how many a wound of the second degree as superficial nerves are destroyed. Some a victim with serious burns informed that did not feel a pain while all of them still were in danger or were engaged in rescue of others. As soon as adrenaline and shock gradually pass, quickly there is a pain.
The majority of those people which perish in fires, actually die of a poisoning with poisonous charcoal gases and an oxygen lack. Someone simply does not wake up.
Speed of occurrence of a headache and drowsiness, unconsciousness depends on the size of a fire and concentration monoxide carbon in air.
5. Decapitation
Execution — one of the fastest and least painful ways to die if the executioner — qualified, its edge sharp and condemned sits, without moving.
The most perfect technology decapitation — a guillotine. Officially accepted by the French government in 1792, it has been recognised as more humane, than other methods of deprivation of life.
Probably, it really quickly. But the consciousness is not lost right after how the spinal cord is separated. Research on rats in 1991 has shown that the brain remains is live even 2.7 seconds at the expense of consumption of oxygen from blood in a head; equivalent number for people to approximately equally 7 seconds. If the person unsuccessfully gets under a guillotine, time of sensation of a pain can be increased. In 1541 not skilled person has made a deep wound in a shoulder, instead of in a neck of Margaret the Floor, the Decanter of Salisbury. According to some messages, she jumped from a place of execution and was pursued by the executioner who has struck it 11 times before she has died.
6. Death from an electric current
The most frequent cause of death from an electric current — arrhythmia, leading to cardiac arrest. The unconsciousness follows usually after 10 seconds, Richard Trohman, the cardiologist from Impact University in Chicago speaks. Research of fatal cases from an electric current in Montreal, Canada has shown that 92 percent have died from arrhythmia.
If pressure high the unconsciousness comes almost at once. The electric chair should cause instant loss of consciousness and painless death because of transmission a current through a brain and heart.
Whether there is it actually so, a question disputable. John Viksvo, the biophysicist at University in Nashville, the State of Tennessee, asserts that thick, isolating bones of a skull would prevent sufficient passage of a current through a brain, and prisoners could die of brain heating, or from an asthma because of a paralysis of respiratory muscles.
7. Falling from height
It is one of the fastest ways to die: speed limit — approximately 200 kilometres per hour, is reached at falling from height of 145 metres and above. Studying of deadly falling in Hamburg, Germany has shown that 75 percent of victims have died within the first seconds or minutes after a landing.Causes of death depend on a place of a landing and position of the person. People it is hardly reached hospitals live if they fall headfirst. In 1981 have analysed 100 deadly jumps from the bridge Golden Gate in San Francisco. It has height of 75 metres, speed at collision with water makes 120 kilometres per hour. These are two main reasons of instant death. As result of falling — a massive bruise of a lung, rupture of heart or damage of the main blood vessels and lungs the broken edges. The landing essentially reduces traumas to feet and can save life.
8. Hanging
Way of suicide and old-fashioned way of execution — death through suffocation; the rope puts pressure upon a trachea and the arteries conducting to a brain. The unconsciousness within 10 seconds can be observed, but it is required to more time if the loop is located incorrectly. Witnesses of public hanging often informed on the victims "dancing" from a pain in a loop within several minutes! In certain cases — after 15 minutes.
In England in 1868 have accepted a method of "long falling», providing longer rope. The victim reached during hanging of the speed, breaking to it a neck.
9. A deadly injection The deadly injection has been developed in the State of Oklahoma in 1977 as humane alternative to an electric chair. The state medical auditor and the chairman anesthesiologist have agreed about introduction almost at once three preparations. At first enter an anaesthetic thiopental to avoid any feeling of a pain, then — the paralytic agent pantsuronium for respiratory standstill. At last, potassium chloride almost immediately stops heart.
Each preparation as it is supposed, is entered in a deadly dose, superfluous to guarantee fast and humane death. However witnesses have informed on spasms and attempt condemned to sit during procedure, that is introduction of preparations not always yields desirable result.
10. Explosive decompression
The death because of vacuum influence comes at depressurization of platform or survival suit rupture.
When external pressure of air suddenly goes down, air in lungs extends, tears the fragile fabrics participating in gas exchange. The situation is aggravated, if the victim forgets to exhale to decompression or will try to hold the breath. Oxygen starts to leave blood and lungs.
Experiments on dogs in 1950 showed that from 30 till 40 seconds after pressure decrease of their body started to be inflated, though the skin prevented them «laceration». At first palpitation becomes frequent, then sharply decreases. Bubbles of water steam are formed in blood and travel through all system of circulation, complicating a blood stream. In a minute blood stops effectively to participate in gas exchange.
The people who have survived after accidents decompression, — basically pilots, whose planes have become depressurized. They told about a sharp chest pain and inability to inhale.
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